Dr Yvonne Lewis

Dr Yvonne Lewis is a principal consultant at The Green House. Yvonne has an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering (awarded with Honours) from the University of Cape Town and obtained her PhD from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Sydney, Australia. Yvonne has worked on climate change and sustainability related projects in South Africa, Australia, the United Kingdom, Lesotho and Botswana, in both academia and the private sector.

Yvonne has extensive climate change and carbon footprinting experience and leads this area of specialisation at The Green House. Along with organisational, product and value chain (Scope 3) carbon footprinting, Yvonne also leads projects that involve the quantitative assessment and modelling of systems to support strategy, policy development and scenario and futures work for government and corporate clients. This includes mitigation assessments to meet net zero greenhouse gas targets.

Yvonne’s academic background is in Life Cycle Assessment, carbon footprinting and ecological footprinting of urban systems and solid waste management. Her sectoral experience covers energy, mining and minerals processing, chemicals, construction and building materials, bioenergy, agriculture, urban systems, transport and waste management.