
Development of a low carbon action plan for South Africa

Main sectors: MINING, ENERGY and CLIMATE CHANGE, INDUSTRY, MANUFACTURING, TRANSPORT Client: WWF South Africa Problem Statement: WWF South Africa identified the need to further understand the “why, what and how” of low-carbon planning in South Africa, which, like all emerging economies, faces a multitude of developmental challenges. The Green House was part of a consortium that undertook “blue skies” research to develop a practical approach to low-carbon planning. The Green House approach: Through a series of structured brainstorming sessions, desk-top research and testing, the consortium developed a low-carbon planning framework, which included: a carbon budget framing; stakeholder-developed quantitative systems modelling; a suite of low-carbon and development indicators; and an outline of the institutional and process requirements. Outcomes: A framework and set of tools to support low-carbon planning in South Africa was proposed, which has at its core the collaborative development of system dynamics models, undertaken through mediated modelling. The approach is framed by the concept of a carbon budget which...Read More >

Greenhouse gas mitigation in the transport sector in South Africa

Main sectors: TRANSPORT Client: WWF South Africa Problem Statement: WWF South Africa is active across the country in advocating for change towards a more sustainable environment. The transport sector is one which gives rise to a significant proportion of South Africa’s emissions; has high greenhouse gas mitigation potential and at the same time can contribute to social upliftment through provision of mobility to those who currently do not have access. This project sought to implement some of the outcomes from the previous low carbon action plan, through exploring both passenger and freight related mitigation opportunities. The Green House approach: The project consisted of three key components. The first of these, which constituted the bulk of the work, was the development of a systems dynamics model of the freight sector. Through system dynamics modelling, the impact of the wide range of variables and uncertainties which impact on decision makers’ choice of transport mode for the goods were demonstrated, thereby providing an...Read More >

A user-friendly interface for South Africa’s Mitigation Potential Analysis

Main sectors: MINING, ENERGY and CLIMATE CHANGE, INDUSTRY, MANUFACTURING, TRANSPORT, URBAN SYSTEMS, AGRICULTURE Client: Department of Environmental Affairs Problem Statement: Planning for economy wide mitigation of greenhouse gases requires an in-depth understanding of the individual mitigation options, including the volume of greenhouse gases that they are able to reduce and by when, the capital and operating costs associated with their implementation and the impacts of implementing them on the economy of the country. In 2014 the Department of Environmental Affairs commissioned a study of these options which came to be known as the Mitigation Potential Analysis (MPA). This study was commissioned by the Department to convert the spreadsheet-based MPA into a user-friendly modelling system which they can easily update as new information becomes available. The study also sought to update certain components of the model where new information was readily available. The Green House approach: The Green House chose to use Analytica as the platform on which to build this...Read More >

The climate change mitigation technology plan for South Africa

Main sectors: ENERGY and CLIMATE CHANGE, INDUSTRY, TRANSPORT, URBAN SYSTEMS, MANUFACTURING AND RETAIL Client: Department of Environmental Affairs Problem Statement: The Department of Environmental Affairs is tasked with accelerating the uptake of greenhouse gas mitigation technologies in South Africa. This study was commissioned by the Department with the aim of identifying key barriers to the uptake of a selection of mitigation technologies, and proposing actions to overcome these barriers. The Green House approach: The Green House, in conjunction with partners DNA Economics, conducted an extensive review and analysis of existing policy experience with respect to the target technologies’ roll out in order to document the status quo. An extensive stakeholder engagement process was undertaken to gather experience on barriers from individual role players, and to obtain their views on how these can be overcome. Outcomes: The findings from the analysis were compiled into a report which provides a set of recommendations for actions which DEA and other government departments can...Read More >