Energy and emissions savings of appliance standards and labelling

Main sectors: URBAN SYSTEMS and WASTE


Department of Energy, funded by UNDP

Problem Statement:

The UNDP commissioned The Green House to undertake a review and assessment of energy savings and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets or savings that are potentially achievable through the implementation of energy efficient appliances in South Africa via the Standards and Labelling (S&L) project.

The Green House approach:

The work involved a detailed review of existing studies to unpack the apparent discrepancies between the previous studies in terms of projected energy savings and related emission reductions associated with appliance standards and labelling. Using data provided a model was developed in Analytica to recalculate energy savings and related greenhouse gas emissions reductions attributable to the S&L Project against a justifiable baseline year.

The model was shared via the Analytica cloud player with stakeholders so that all the underlying assumptions and calculations could be interrogated.


The Analytica model provided a visual platform to be able to review and discuss the impact of assumptions on the predicted results with stakeholders. This overcame some of the issues associated with results previously generated using “black box” models, that were inadequately described.